Social Security is committed to reducing barriers and ensuring people who are eligible for our benefits receive them. We provide income security for the diverse populations we serve. This includes people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families through Utah, Nevada, and California.
Income Support Through Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for ASD
Many parents and caretakers of children with disabilities lose work hours and income because of their children’s care needs. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides monthly financial support to low-income families with children who have developmental and behavioral disabilities in Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming. These include ASD – and physical impairments. For more information on SSI, please visit
Exploring ASD Employment Opportunities
People with ASD may have questions about how ASD affects their employment options. They may also see their ASD as a barrier to employment. Employers have started to recognize that many people with ASD can bring a variety of skills and strengths to the workplace.

Ticket To Work Program: Opening New Doors for People With ASD
The Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security and want to work. The Ticket Program helps get vocational rehabilitation, training, job referrals, and other employment support services. For more information about this program please read
Empower the ASD Community By Spreading the Word
We recognize the need to support, understand, accept, include, and empower those on the autism spectrum. Please share this information with friends and family and help us spread the word on social media! Contact Match Disability Law today for help with Social Security benefits!